Who We Are


“Playing with a Purpose"

Music of Hope is a Christian based group of women ranging in age from 17 – 73 who gathered in October 2007 to play their stringed instruments.  We have had up to fifteen musicians in our group.  Currently there are four violinists and two cellists who meet weekly to practice. 

Although we love music, we know there is a greater purpose for everything one does.  Each year we “play for a purpose” so that we can give HOPE to another organization or individual.

v  2008-2009 World Vision to give HOPE to sexually exploited girls and women.
v  2009-2010 St. Gianna’s Maternity Home in Warsaw, ND to give HOPE to new mothers.
v  2010-2011 The purchase of four violins and one cello to give HOPE to elementary students interested in learning to play a string instrument.
v  2011 – 2012 Relay for Life to give HOPE to cancer survivors.
v  2012 - 2013  Roseau County Food Shelf.

The dynamics of our group change but our mantra remains the same; we have the joy of playing our instruments, an organization or individual receives the hope and God receives the glory.  Music of Hope believes that our talent to play our instruments is a gift from God and without His grace what we are doing would not be possible.

We have adopted “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” as our theme song.  The first verse clearly states our belief. 

“My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; no merit of my own I claim, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.  On Christ the solid rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand.”

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